
People are tired of the failures of our current legislature to address the issues that matter to them most. A prime example is the issue of property taxes. While skyrocketing property taxes have been an issue for over 4 years, very little has been done to actually fix the underlying problems or provide real relief for all property taxpayers. We need a bigger vision and a more collaborative approach to the problems we face.  I am committed to work diligently on the following:

2nd Amendment

I believe the 2nd Amendment puts teeth into the Constitution protecting our natural right to defend our lives, our liberty and our should NEVER be infringed.

Property Rights & Free Markets

Property rights are the very foundation of prosperity and the backbone of a free-market society.  It is the role of government to protect property rights, not limit them.

First Amendment

The 1st Amendment to the Constitution protects our freedom of religion, speech, the press, to assemble and to petition.  These rights are fundamental and allow you to make decisions about faith, education and parenting.  These rights must always be protected.

Limited Government & Taxes

Government at every level should be limited, transparent, accountable and fiscally responsible.  Expanded government only takes more money out of your pocket so that it can continue to grow.

Public Lands

Whether it's hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, snowmobiling, skiing, animal watching, photography, four-wheeling or just visiting our parks for a picnic, we love the access that our public lands provide.  I will fight to keep public lands public.

Agriculture & Ranching

Agriculture and ranching are an integral part of Wyoming, from both an economic and cultural perspective.  I personally know the importance of ensuring that farmers and ranchers in our state have the ability to raise, produce and sell their products without burdensome regulations.

A Culture of Life

I believe every life is precious and that it begins at conception.  Every life is worth fighting for, and I am proud to be endorsed by Wyoming Right to Life.

Property Taxes

Property taxes have skyrocketed and after four years, the legislature has finally made some temporary progress.  However, much work still needs to be done.  We need to permanently roll back some of the record tax increases we've experienced and break the link between government growth and property values.  In addition, we must address the spending problem that plagues our current legislature.


Over the years I have worked with public schools, private schools and homeschool associations.  They all have their place, and I support an approach to education which empowers parents to make the best choices possible for their children.

Energy & Minerals

Our state is blessed with an abundance of natural resources including coal, oil and gas.  We must defend those industries from increasing regulatory and environmental attacks.

House District 51 deserves a Representative with a depth of real life experience, sound judgment, maturity, professionalism and integrity.

I am a life-long Republican with a record of supporting freedom who will vote consistently in support of your rights and the Republican Party platform.

I would be honored to serve as your Representative.